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Start To Get Involved With Aacharya Bhagwat Foundation

We are proud to have played a small role in enabling giving across all segments of our society - everyday givers, (U)HNI givers, corporates and foundations. Over the last 3 years, Aacharya Bhagwat Foundation-A NGO For Life! that has worked for development in India across rural transformation, education, health, skills development, Women's Empowerments protection of the environment, food for life, Social Awareness & disaster relief.

We will continue to stay tuned to the needs on the ground, innovate for scale, and find ways of inspiring every person who can to give back. India is a country that is rich in so many resources. There is no reason for 300 million citizens to continue to live below the poverty line.


We strive never to take the easy path, but always the honest one. We practice integrity in all our actions and try to do the right thing by every stakeholder.

Every one of us, at some time in our life, feels like contributing towards the betterment of the society. But among the various obstacles faced by many of us in doing so, are limitations pertaining to time. In order to tackle these and give you the opportunity to support our cause of uplifting underprivileged school children in India

If you have an idea that you would like to share with us, or if you wish to collaborate with us for volunteering, fundraising and other activities, you can reach us in the following ways:

Write to us—


There are various ways in which we can contribute towards society’s progress. It’s relatively easier to support a cause pertaining to the upliftment of underprivileged children. Every child loves an entertaining event like an art and craft workshop or a magic show. Each of us can make a difference to the lives of these children in various ways. Aacharya Bhagwat Foundation provides meals or you can be part of an event that is organised by the organisation.

We Support

We are committed to working together with unconditional respect, freedom, trust and support for each other.

Join us in working towards our dream of seeing a poverty-free India within our lifetimes & education, health, skills development, Women's Empowerments protection of the environment, food for life, Social Awareness & disaster relief!